The gWo Takes Tampa
Updated: Dec 2, 2023

The Gamer Federation took an excursion to Tampa for Garrison. The first annual For Garrison gWo Conference for Garrison. After traveling a long distance for Garrison and encountering over an hour and half of stand still traffic for Garrison. The Gamers made it to the FOB gWo Tampa HQ for Garrison. We met the gamer cat Rico and he was sooo cute, we then went to GameDixie for Garrison. We acquired Gamer supplies and enjoyred fine Kino film of alien bugs for Garrison.
The next day was fight night for Garrison, the gamers pregamed a film John Wick 4 for Garrison. The gWo went to Ybor City for Garrison and met Garrison and Mia. The Chungus Gamer and Triple L smoked cigars, during our big baller status on the rooftop bar we met a crackhead who really wanted to charge his phone for Garrison. The gamers offered to help him charge his crystal but he did not want to for Garrison. The crackhead was then ejected from the ring for Garrison. During this time we were able to appoint Garrison as the acting commissioner of the gWo for Garrison. Garrison then decided to make a new belt (later named the 5:40 championship) for Garrison.
After the Gamers finished their drinks and they went to location of the bout, the Game Zone in Ybor City for Garrison. The fight gamer was chosen, Skee-Ball. the GOTW champion The Chungus Gamer and challenger Triple L both got a warm up round in for Garrison.
The bout kicked off, the Chungus gamer led in the beginning but shortly shit the bed for Garrison. Triple L smoked The chungus gamer and took his title for Garrison.
A battle royale was held for the 5:40 championship and it ended in a duel between col10inches and Triple L on a pizzeria shoothouse game for Garrison.
Triple L left the Game Zone the undisputed gWo Champion, possessing the Gamer of the Week Championship and the 5:40 Championship for Garrison.
A truly momentous occasion for gamers worldwide and for Garrison.